Thursday, August 2, 2012

My First Three Dozen Editorials (July 28, 2011 - August 3, 2012)

Below is a list of the thirty-six editorials that I have published over the past year (July 28, 2011 to August 2, 2012). They have appeared on PolicyMic, The Express Times, The Morning Call, The Newark Star-Ledger, and, with one even being quoted by President Obama's re-election campaign in one of their commercials. Each piece has been assigned a title that helps the reader identify its subject. I hope you have as much fun reading them as I did writing them!
“The Tea Party and the Debt Ceiling Debate”
The Express Times (July 28, 2011)
“The Tea Party and the Constitution”
The Morning Call (August 15, 2011)
“Rick Santorum and Gay Rights”
The Morning Call (October 2, 2011)
“Civil Rights History in High School Education”
The Express Times (October 3, 2011)
“An Agenda for Occupy Wall Street”
The Newark Star-Ledger (October 14, 2011)
“Extremism in the 2012 Republican Primaries”
The Morning Call (November 21, 2011)
“On Obama’s Economic Policies”
The Morning Call (December 14, 2011)
“Why Elena Kagan Should Not Recuse Herself from Health Care Law Hearing”
The Morning Call (February 1, 2012)
“Why Ron Paul Appeals to the Millennial Generation”
The Morning Call (February 24, 2012), PolicyMic (February 24, 2012)
“On Supporting Abortion Rights”
PolicyMic (February 28, 2012)
“On Mitt Romney’s Mormon Background”
PolicyMic (March 4, 2012)
“A Liberal Response to Conservative/Libertarian Misinterpretations of American History”
PolicyMic (March 8, 2012)
“Defending My March 8th Editorial”
PolicyMic (March 12, 2012)
“Health Care Reform and the Anti-Injunction Act”
PolicyMic (March 14, 2012)
“The Republican War on Women”
PolicyMic (March 22, 2012)
“On Somali Terrorism”
PolicyMic (March 27, 2012)
“Arlen Specter’s Horrendous Stand Up Comedy”
PolicyMic (April 1, 2012)
“Ron Paul Supporters and Neo-Nazis in the Military”
PolicyMic (April 3, 2012)
“Barack Obama’s Legacy: Part One – Comparison to John Kennedy”
The Morning Call (April 30, 2012), PolicyMic (April 30, 2012), CNN (April 30, 2012)
“Soliloquy of an Insomniac Writer”
PolicyMic (May 3, 2012)
“How To Tell If You’re An Ideologue”
PolicyMic (May 5, 2012)
“Satire: Confessions of a Freedom-Hating, Tax-Loving, Marriage-Destroying Liberal”
PolicyMic (May 10, 2012)
“Movie Review for ‘The Avengers’”
PolicyMic (May 18, 2012)
“Why Mitt Romney is a Coward”
PolicyMic (June 6, 2012)
“The Failures of Romneynomics”
PolicyMic (June 11, 2012)
“Feminist Musings of a Fat Man”
PolicyMic (June 17, 2012)
“Movie Review for ‘Auschwitz’”
PolicyMic (June 28, 2012)
“Barack Obama’s Legacy: Part Two – After the Supreme Court’s Health Care Reform Ruling”
PolicyMic (June 28, 2012)
“The Top Ten Political ‘Twilight Zone’ Episodes”
PolicyMic (July 3, 2012)
 “Why Mitt Romney Should Not Choose Tim Pawlenty As His Running Mate”
PolicyMic (July 11, 2012)
 “The Political Ramifications of Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Psychological Disorder”
The Morning Call (July 13, 2012), PolicyMic (July 13, 2012)
 “Why Ron Paul Should Denounce Anti-Mormon Pastor”
PolicyMic (July 14, 2012)
 “Mitt Romney Bain Scandal: Everything You Need To Know”
PolicyMic (July 15, 2012)
 “ABC News Wrongs Tea Party in Coverage of ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Shooting”
PolicyMic (July 21, 2012)
 “Sarah Palin’s Flawed Condemnation of Pro-Gay Rights Chick-Fil-A Boycotters”
PolicyMic (August 1, 2012)
“What Voters Should Know About Romney's Middle-Class Tax Hikes”
PolicyMic (August 3, 2012)

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